√完了しました! reflection across y=x matrix 355722-Reflection in line y=x matrix

Reflect across y=2x Natural Language; 1 Reflection Over The XAxis Sets of Coordinates If you have a set of coordinates, place a negative sign in front of the value of each yvalue, but leave the yvalue the same Example question #1 Reflect the following set of coordinates over the xaxis (4, 6), (2, 4), (0, 0), (2, 4), (4, 6) Solution Step 1 Place a negative sign in front of each ycoordinateLine of symmetry using a reflection matrix For a reflection over the x­axis y­axis line y = x Multiply the vertex matrix on the left by Reflection Matrices Example 4 Find the coordinates of the image of pentagon PENTA with P(­4 ,3), E(­1, 4), N(1, 3), T(0, 1), and A(­3, ­1) after a reflection

Transformation Matrices Reflection The Line Y X Examsolutions Maths Tutorials Youtube

Transformation Matrices Reflection The Line Y X Examsolutions Maths Tutorials Youtube

Reflection in line y=x matrix

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