The upcoming Glorious Model O Wireless weighs just 69g and boasts a 71hour battery life (sans RGB) If it is an ultralightweight mouse with RGB lighting you're after, it does not get any lighterThe Glorious Model O Wireless Gaming Mouse Matte Black features a super lightweight design weighing only 69 grams, Glorious BAMF sensor with a DPI of up to 19,000, 400 IPS tracking speed, up to 1000Hz polling rate, PTFE Gskates, 3 RGB lighting zones, builtin DPI indicator, up to 71 hours of battery life, lightning fast 24GHz wireless technology, and includes a flexible USBC
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【人気ダウンロード!】 logitech g402 vs g502 hero 297449-Logitech g502 hero vs g402
G502 Hero sparks with the icy blue shade and grass green shade are specific to DeathAdder V2 Both of the devices support the righthand operation and lack the essential ambidextrous property The thumb resting support available within G502 Hero somewhat lacks within the rival A difference in weight does exist hereLogitech G502 HERO high performance gaming mouse Met HERO, onze beste sensor, 11 programmeerbare knoppen, LIGHTSYNC RGBtechnologie en afstembare gewicht The side buttons feel really chintzy and i cant adjust the weight like with the g502 Who knows though, maybe despite the feel it will hold up for longer When my g402 sh1ts the bed I'm going to switch up brands as well, nothing against logitech i just like trying different stuff and i've been using logitech for long enough now